Bluestreak often talks incessantly and inanely. Lightens the situation for all Autobots with his good-natured manner. Despite formidable weaponry and blazing speed, he hates war. Haunted by memory of Decepticons destroying his home-city. Fires bombs up to 8.3 miles and lightning-like 80,000 volt beam up to 12 miles of limited accuracy. Often inhibited by his disdain for combat.
First/Last Comic Appearance (US) - Issue 1, September 1984 / Issue 50, March 1989
First/Last Cartoon Appearance - Episode 1 (Season 1 #1), September 17th 1984 / The Transformers: The Movie, August 8th 1986
Figure Details
AKA 'Silverstreak'
Manufacturer - Hasbro
Toyline - Universe
- Added an Autobot symbol to the bonnet (covering the dingy tampographed one)
- Added some Reprolabels
Bluestreak was a strange Transformer in that he was called 'Bluestreak' yet he had not a scrap of blue on him. Unfortunately this was about the only thing I can remember. I don't ever remember him being pivotal (or even involved) in a single interesting story line at any point. For me, he always sunk back into the shadows a bit when compared to
Prowl (Police car) and the garishly-hued
Smokescreen, so it was with trepidation that I got my hands on this drab little robot - would I be able to say anything about him other than 'meh'?
Appearance (Robot Mode) 6/10
I really want to like this mould but I have a real issue with the way that the (admittedly nice) head sits on the bonnet, giving the impression of an elongated neck. This issue aside, I'm also not that keen on the lower legs. He has a peashooter of a weapon, which doesn't really help. I think stowing weapons in the alt mode is laudible but sometimes they are just too small because of this, although not as bad as the Alternators toyline. I applied a mixture of Rerpolabels plus some slot racing decals to try and lift his appearance somewhat, although he is still as forgettable as a grey February morning. The Reprolables at least lift the lower legs, where the shiny blue rear windscreen stickers porvide some much-needed impact.
Appearance (Alternate Mode) 7/10
The car mode is similarly plain but for some reason this doesn't invoke the same feelings of boredom as the robot mode does. It's pretty nice, in fact. The anatomical issues present in the robot mode are of course not a problem here and the few stickers I have applied have added a bit more dynamism to the overall effect. I suppose this would be a decent low-key 'spy' car, when compared to the other ostentatious cars in the line. Pretty neat in its' own way.
Transformation 7/10
I would describe this process as fiddly, but you do feel satisfied when you clip everything back together for the alt mode. My main issue is swiveling the doors up and out without accientally removing them, which is a task indeed. Also, it can be hairy disengaging the roof from the bonnet, if you are not careful with your angles. The shoulder-mounted missiles also have a tendency to get in the way somewhat. Remember to extend the feet properly or otherwise poseability is limited.
Poseability 8/10
Finally, something about Bluestreak that is above average... He has neck swivel, waist swivel, full range of motion at the shoulder, bicep swivel, elbow hinges and wrist swivel. His hips don't lie and he also has joints at the knee and swivel below the knee. There is also limioted movement in his feet. I think his balance could be better though, because even though he has extendable heels, they ought to be a bit longer.
Quality 6/10
Worries I have with this mould are the aformentioned doors which pop off, plus the tabs around the windscreen look flimsy, and indeed could snap if the bonet is disengaged at the wrong angle. It's kind of heartening that the modern windscreen shares some of the frailty of the old G1 windscreen. Also, the way the missiles slide in during transformation could scratch the windscreen.
Overall - 34/50
This mould is a great fit for the character really, in that it is pretty good, but forgettable. In all honesty, I can't really remember Bluestreak being featured in any media, and I don't know if he is supposed to be dead or what by now. Did he die in the Movie or did he fall asleep? The worst thing is that I don't care. This figure is an absolute must for any completist, and I have been rather harsh regarding the underdeveloped character. But if you only want one example of the mould I would steer clear of this one.